Hemorrhoids are swollen and painful! 13 Small Remedies to Eliminate Hemorrhoids Naturally

As the saying goes, “Nine out of ten people suffer from hemorrhoids”, which reflects the high incidence of hemorrhoids. The exact cause of hemorrhoids is still unknown, but there are some factors that increase pressure in the abdominal cavity that may increase the risk of hemorrhoids. These risk factors include constipation, diarrhea, or prolonged use of the toilet.
  Generally speaking, hemorrhoids can be divided into three types: internal, external and mixed hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids can be felt as a lump in the anus, so they are easier to detect, while internal hemorrhoids depend on the patient’s symptoms and examination to confirm the diagnosis. Mixed hemorrhoids are a combination of both internal and external hemorrhoids, and the common symptoms of all three include painful defecation, bloody defecation, prolapsed hemorrhoids when defecation occurs, a scratching sensation in the anus, and constipation.
  How to get rid of hemorrhoids naturally? Take a look at the following small remedies!
  1、Frequently take a warm bath or sitz bath
  For a bath, pour about 270 grams of salt into the bathtub; for a sitz bath, just pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of salt into a few centimeters of water. Use warm water, not hot, and keep the water warm. Soak 2 to 3 times a day. This method may seem like a bit of a hassle, but hemorrhoids that are consistently bad are even worse!

  2, figs boiled water fumigation
  Mature figs 10 (no fruit available fig leaves more than 10), put in a pot with water to boil, filter out the water in a small bucket, and then buttocks sitting on a small bucket, smoked with heat, and so the heat dissipated and then washed with warm water, twice a day, for seven days, a little hemorrhoids can be cured. There is no fig tree around, can also use a clean cotton towel dipped in warm water at the hemorrhoids, repeated 4 to 5 times a day, can relieve the swelling and pain!

  3, with astringent contraction hemorrhoids
  After defecation, the cotton pad will be dipped in witch hazel, and then smeared on the hemorrhoids. Witch hazel has an astringent effect and may be able to reduce swelling. Repeat as needed, dabbing at least 4 to 5 times a day.

  4, clean with wet paper towels
  After defecation, clean up thoroughly to avoid irritating hemorrhoids. Instead of cleaning the body directly with toilet paper, you may want to use baby wipes, or wet toilet paper first.

  5, in the affected area of the ice pack
  For external hemorrhoids and ice packs help to reduce the swelling of hemorrhoids, but not for too long. Each time the most can only compress 5 to 10 minutes.

  6, daily to sit on a cushion
  Sitting on a foam cushion or donut cushion can relieve some of the stress associated with hemorrhoids. Although it can not “cure” hemorrhoids, but can reduce discomfort!

  7, do not too hard to defecate
  The main thing is to rely on the rectal peristalsis, if you can’t get rid of it, wait for an hour or two and then try again, don’t try too hard to get rid of it, let it happen naturally.

  8, change dietary habits
  Eat more whole grains (including brown rice, barley, corn, rye, Bugle wheat, buckwheat and oats), fruits (especially fruits with shells or skins), vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables), legumes, and take more fiber from your diet. Fiber retains fecal water and increases fecal volume, allowing it to pass more easily through the rectum and anus.

  9. Stay hydrated
  Increase the amount of water you drink, and drink at least 1900 to 2400 milliliters of water every day. Feces contains a lot of water, will become softer, easier to discharge out of the body.

  10, do not often eat laxatives
  Often take laxatives will form a dependence and make the rectum weaker, may cause chronic constipation. If you feel you really need to eat laxatives, you may want to eat herbs that have a light diarrhea effect.

  11, keep exercising
  Such as aerobic exercise, endurance exercise, cardiopulmonary exercise, or just take a walk is okay. Exercise can massage the internal organs, promote intestinal peristalsis.
Hemorrhoids are swollen and painful very difficult! Teach you 13 small recipes to eliminate hemorrhoids naturally!

  12, pay attention to the body’s call
  Once you feel intestinal peristalsis, do not hold back, go to the toilet as soon as possible, do not sit or wait too long. Sitting also increases the risk of hemorrhoids.

  13, develop a regular bowel movement
  See if you can arrange a fixed time to defecate, the same time every day to defecate, will not be disturbed. This makes it easier to have a bowel movement. A normal bowel movement means good overall health.

  All of these natural methods help to improve the signs of hemorrhoids, and some hemorrhoids will heal within about 7 days time. However, if your hemorrhoids are slow to heal or get worse, see your doctor!

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