Workers suffer from shoulder and neck pain, teach you 3 strokes to relieve

Office workers or long-term low head to play cell phone low head, shoulder and neck pain is a very common problem, this urban disease causes a lot of things, including long time to keep the same position, the screen is lower than the line of sight level, etc., will lead to shoulder and neck pain problems appear. If you want to relieve shoulder and neck … Read more about Workers suffer from shoulder and neck pain, teach you 3 strokes to relieve

Trying to get rid of acne, does applying toothpaste or pain relief cream help?

Some young people with pimples on their face like to smear toothpaste, or stick pain-relieving plasters (such as the Japanese-made Salon Bass) to eliminate pimples, does this really work? Let’s talk about this topic.      First analyze the main causes of acne:      1. Keratinization at the opening of the hair follicle is not normal, blocking the opening of the hair follicle;   2. Sebaceous glands … Read more about Trying to get rid of acne, does applying toothpaste or pain relief cream help?
