What should I do when cleaning green peppers and touching my face?

After touching your face when cleaning green peppers, you can take the following measures to deal with them: Rinsing with clean water: Washing the face, especially the eyes and skin with flowing clean water can dilute and remove capsaicin and reduce its irritation to the skin. Ice compress: Wrapped in a towel with an ice pack or ice cubes and applied to the hot face … Read more about What should I do when cleaning green peppers and touching my face?

5 Bad Lifestyle Habits That Accelerate Aging

The busy life of urbanites often makes people want to indulge themselves unconsciously, but bad habits can make your appearance look older than your actual age! Now let’s take stock of the 5 bad habits that will accelerate the appearance of aging.      1. Sugar ages the skin      Eating more carbohydrates with a lot of granulated sugar, such as donuts, cakes, cookies and other … Read more about 5 Bad Lifestyle Habits That Accelerate Aging

Washing your face is easy, but are you making sure you’re doing it the right way?

Many people think that washing their face is easy and they do it every day, but if you use the wrong method, the skin on your face can get hurt! How to wash and clean your face is the right way? For the sake of the face, come to see it!      First, which temperature of water should I use to wash my face?    … Read more about Washing your face is easy, but are you making sure you’re doing it the right way?

Should I use lotion to take care of my face after washing it?

With all the publicity from cosmetic companies, even if you are not a person who cares about maintenance, you will definitely have the basic “cleanser”, “toner” and “lotion” on hand, right? And one of the makeup, all brands will have this product, or even have many additional features, such as whitening, astringent pores, moisturizing, etc., makeup really have these effects? After washing your face, do … Read more about Should I use lotion to take care of my face after washing it?

Fruit and vegetable face packs are better than commercial face masks

Nowadays, there are a lot of facial masks on the market that are labeled as all-natural or without added alcohol or fragrance ingredients. In our daily life, there are many natural ingredients and fruits and vegetables can be used as maintenance of the best skin care products. Egg white, for example, for the sun red face, as long as the application of egg white, wait … Read more about Fruit and vegetable face packs are better than commercial face masks

Can washing your face with rice water really improve your beauty? Experts say so

Rice in the process of washing, part of the water-soluble vitamins, minerals and starch will remain in the rice water, so there are rumors that washing with rice water, which vitamins, minerals can provide some of the skin nutrients, and starch can adsorb face oil, often used, can make the skin become clean and white and delicate. Amalgamated rice water really have such efficacy? Listen … Read more about Can washing your face with rice water really improve your beauty? Experts say so

Winter dry care is not good will also grow acne! Teach you 3 steps to winter care.

Generally winter is drier, according to the acne should not be as easy as the summer so easy to attack, but in fact the dry weather is also to let the acne out of the factor, because “the skin will be dehydrated”, so the metabolism slows down, the pores will still be clogged.      Many people will think that the face is “too oily, too … Read more about Winter dry care is not good will also grow acne! Teach you 3 steps to winter care.
