Not long after the table was wiped, it was dusty again. Teach you a trick to solve it easily.

Now the air pollution is serious, and a few days after cleaning at home, the table is covered with dust again. Even if it is cleaned every day, the dust is still everywhere. Is there any way to reduce dust falling on the table? Yes! And the method is very simple, just need a few drops of fabric softener! Take a quick look at the … Read more about Not long after the table was wiped, it was dusty again. Teach you a trick to solve it easily.

How to clean, disinfect and deodorize wooden tableware?

For health and safety, many families use wooden spatula and wooden spoon. However, you will find that even if you clean it immediately after each use, it will accumulate some stubborn dirt that is difficult to remove after a long time. If the situation is too bad, it is recommended to replace it with a new one. If it is in good condition, you can … Read more about How to clean, disinfect and deodorize wooden tableware?
